Life Coaching

Taking my own Advice

Susan Fritz

Life is a Journey.
I join with healers from around the world during the Winter Solstice to travel to Death Valley to meditate and incorporate the energy of the earth and the sun for personal and planetary healing. As a Life Coach I strongly believe you should practice what you preach. To stay healthy and balanced, you must take time out to nurture yourself and to appreciate this amazingly beautiful home we call, Earth.

Coaches these days go by lots of names, lots of services they offer. Let’s start with what you can expect from me. Starting with the basic premise that “I don’t fix anyone”! What I do, is assist people in sorting out what it is they really want from life. And in the process, I help people to go inward into themselves and discover how worthy and how truly amazing they already are.

I have discovered that we all go thru tough times where we are a bit overwhelmed and need an outside perspective of what is going on in our lives. If you are overwhelmed with stress, or your life is seemingly wonderful but at same time you feel so much pressure to perform, to provide, to be better, to do more. Sleep is poor. You feel exhausted and have no internal joy. You realize there must be something missing but you have no idea what to do about it. Sound familiar?

Are you stuck? Stuck in an unfulfilling job, unfulfilling relationships, no energy, no fun. You aren’t exactly depressed but clearly unhappy with things continuing the way they are. Perhaps you know what you want but have had no success in attaining it. You are frustrated and tired and loosing self-confidence. You see people around you with great lives, great opportunities. You want something more for yourself and you just wish somebody would help you achieve that something better.

“I don’t fix, but I do help.” I guide, I coach, I direct, I inspire, I accept, I show compassion and I help.

I am a good listener, and understand that people need to be heard. To move forward we have to let go of the past. So, I listen, then reflect back to you, to clarify what isn’t working in your life as well as understand what you truly want in your life. People get stuck when they focus on the problem, I help them focus instead, on the solution. As a coach I fast track this process with use of Reiki and Yoga Nidra. When we let go of the stress and enter a state of deep relaxation and meditative awareness, clarity and inner intuitiveness arises. Self-worthiness grows and willingness to embrace growth and change appears. Mindfulness becomes a natural state of being. Your daily actions and decisions become wiser, healthier, more in alignment with what it is you seek to accomplish.

Often times people have a goal but not a plan. They have been living their lives in a circle with no forward momentum. As a coach, I will help you to develop a game plan. Companies use Mission statements. I will help you to write your own mission statement. It begins with sorting out what it is you want, then identifying specific intentions and goals. Once the goals and firm intention are in place, we develop baby steps. Together we develop practical baby steps that will carry you to your ultimate goal.

The combination of consistency in working the external baby steps as well as the internal work of meditation will draw opportunity to you. And when opportunity comes knocking you will recognize it and be ready. Your strong sense of worthiness will give you the trust and confidence to successfully act upon the opportunity.

An essential part of my coaching style is focusing on “you”. I let go of my ego, let go of what I think you should do. Instead I focus my energy on supporting you to be “you”, to fulfill all of your potential but with integrity and authenticity. Ultimately, I want you to accomplish your goals without losing yourself. When you reach your goal, I want to see the happy, amazing. unique individual that you are.

Sue walks the talk. If handling stress is your goal, it would be impossible to find a better method of stress reduction than the Yoga Nidra, taught by Sue Fritz.  I have been in the martial arts for almost 45 years and I preach that the martial arts are effective in dealing with stress. Sadly, that ideal is seldom realized. Last year I witnessed an example of handling a level of stress I would not have thought possible. And it was not done through martial arts.  Sue Fritz, a very experienced teacher of Yoga Nidra was faced with a complex and prolonged stressful situation in her life, that only a very advanced soul could have handled. Sue never showed the slightest sign that anything was amiss. She went about her life, caring for others, taking care of family and loved ones with nary a wrinkle in the fabric of calmness.  I highly recommend, Sue, and Yoga Nidra.  

Dave McNeil

- Dave McNeill
Head of Goju- Shorei Martial Arts
Minden, NV


- Dave McNeill
Head of Goju- Shorei Martial Arts
Minden, NV

Dave McNeil

As a coach my background is extensive. I draw upon years of personal and professional training as well as the wisdom I have gained from my own life experiences. I believe strongly that success in your chosen goal should not be at the cost of sacrificing other aspects of your life. I believe true success involves harmony and balance in all areas of your life. A happy, healthy life requires flexibility, yet balance in matters of home, family, friends, health, finances, entertainment, career and spirituality.
Your life is yours to live. A Life Coach is a tool, an advisor, meant to help you along this path we call the journey of life. If you feel I can be of assistance to you in your life. Contact me. Let’s talk. Let’s see if we can forge a connection that helps you maneuver the obstacles and opportunities of your personal journey with the success you rightfully deserve.
Lastly, With or without my help, I sincerely wish you success and true happiness.

Susan Fritz, RN

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