Corporate Mindfulness

The leading edge of science is exploring the mind. Answers to today’s problems are being found in the Quantum space between our thoughts, where unlimited potential and creativity arise. The door way into this quantum space is Meditation, and the initial step is Mindfulness.
Susan Fritz, RN

Susan Fritz

To successfully navigate in today’s business world, we need more than just vision. Vision sets our company sails. But it is the “in-corporation” of the individual talents of men and women we bring together for the purpose of executing our vision, that brings success. A company is comprised of the visionary leadership, the financial resources of our investors and the skilled labor of our employees.
E-motion is energy in motion. Emotion convinces our investors to support our dream. And emotion guides our employees to cooperatively work together creating innovative solutions to build and carry-on the daily tasks necessary to bring the vision of the company into reality.

To keep a strong positive emotional environment in the work place requires:
good communication between all parties,
resilience to handle the ever-changing challenges that arise in business,
steady emotional regulation so that individuals successfully work together.

Never ending change! Nothing ever stays the same is the very nature of life. Some days the life of business runs amazingly smooth, everything comes into perfect harmony. Other days, “shit happens”, everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. Business models anticipate this. Protocols and reviews are set in place to allow for the natural fluctuation of change. But what about the fluctuation of the individual? How resourceful are your individual employees? Are they resilient to change within the flow of business and within their own personal lives? Like it or not what happens at home does impact how we function at work.

Talking without listening is useless.
Coffee will not keep the mind sharp and creative.
Alcohol and pills will not relieve the stress and ensure good sleep.

Employees need to have the skills to handle life’s challenges. Success necessitates attention to quality of communication from top down to guide, within our departments to execute, and from the bottom up to provide feedback. Communication needs to flow with skill and with sensitivity. Ego’s flare, they get to big, they get wounded, they need stroked, encouraged, acknowledged and rewarded. Energy needs to be motivated but regulated. Enthusiasm feeds endurance and creativity but stress drains us, and stress from multiple sources is endemic; personal issues at home or burnout from long hours, or resources spread thin, stress is endless and fall out leads to reduction in quantity and quality of production, reduced job satisfaction and increased absences. Cohesion and cooperation within the company begins to break down.

We can meet this challenge head on.

There is no stopping the endless sources of stress. Yet, we can change how we encounter and react to stress. Employers have the ability to empower their people with the necessary personal development skills needed to build stronger individual links that can handle stress in a positive manner. The key ingredient is “mindfulness”. With mindfulness we become aware of what “is”. The awareness and attention to what is going on in the moment generates real knowledge as well as sensitive communication where people both actively speak and listen. “What and How” we communicate are equally important. Mindfulness leads to real-time recognition of problems evolving so that solutions can be engaged before problems become damagingly out of control. Mindful awareness of our own individual strengths and weaknesses as well as that of our co-workers builds team work and cooperation, founded in respect and appreciation. Mindfulness engaged in on an ongoing basis leads into a natural state of meditation. And Meditation builds resilience in both body and mind.

What I Offer

Equipping people with the skills of mindfulness is what I do. It is a skill that can be taught, a skill that can be learned. What I offer and what I am skilled in doing is making “mindfulness and meditation real.” Experiential training is the key. Typically, mindfulness is a word seen and heard but not grasped and understood. I make it real. Each and every training session your employees will experience practical applications of mindfulness that allows them to understand both the concept as well as how to implement and expand it into their business and personal dealings. They will progress from mindfulness to meditation with a natural ease.

Immediate Benefits of Mindfulness evolve into every aspect of our lives. Immediately people notice a calmer quitter mind with greater ability to focus. Our resilient ability to choose actions rather than uncontrollably reactions develops. Mindful awareness allows us to make better personal and professional judgments. It makes for better more dynamic use of our time and more efficient use of company time. Stress becomes easier to manage when the chatter of the mind drops away and peaceful clarity prevails. Regular mindfulness meditative practice develops within us and a deep calm centeredness allows us to flow with life, rather than to fight it. Our overall physical health improves and very importantly we sleep better.

I work with companies in 3 ways.

Individually with specific employees, to build leadership by strengthening skills of focus, attention and communication or with targeted employees needing help dealing with severe stress.

Group training, can involve setting up a full company in-house program. or small target groups with emersion training to develop specific skills. Emersions are particularly suitable for small groups to team build or develop managerial effectiveness. Half-day or day long emersions into the world of mindfulness and meditation allows for a shift in perspective. The process allows one to shift into a deep personal awareness of self where inner acceptance and appreciation abound. When we learn to listen within, we simultaneously develop the skill to listen to others, thus we strengthen our communication and stress management skills.

The setting up of an in-house program involves a specific time frame, such as a Wellness week where training is introduced and integrated into normal working environment. This program entails some initial introductory teaching but the repetitive integration is done in short interludes incorporated into business day without creating disruption. Ultimate goal being the use of mini mindfulness/meditation moments becoming a self-generating natural part of the working day.

Convention services are an excellent way of providing a little of both. Convention services are generally a combination of alternating group instruction and guided mindfulness meditative experiences with opportunity for personal consultations. This allows for convenience of larger instructional format as well as individualized questions/interests to be personally addressed.

All training services provide opportunity to experience “mindfulness and meditation”. As well as practical ways to implement mindfulness into everyday working environment. Participants will leave with ability to immediately engage in brief moments of mindful meditation that will impact their work and their personal lives in a positive way.

Think big, think now, think success.

As you evaluate the needs and resources of your company to deal effectively with today’s business challenges, I ask you to consider Mindfulness training as part of an effective solution, an effective means of making your company and the people who make up your company stronger, more resilient, more satisfied with who they are and where they work.
Let’s talk. Let’s work together to move your company to greater success in achieving the vision it was founded on. Contact me, Susan Fritz, RN to see how we can design a program perfect for your company needs.

Susan Fritz, RN
Internationally certified Mindfulness Instructor
Background in Management and Business, small and corporate
Psychiatric nurse  working in the field of addiction
Background working in public service and law enforcement
Certified Instructor of Yoga and Black Belt in Jujitsu

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