Reiki can Help!
A year of Quarantine has destabilized a lot of individuals and relationships. The political and economic landscape has changed significantly over the past year.
Big Surprise that you are feeling stressed and uncertain, yet reflective on what is really of value in your life. You know this mixed bag of emotional ups and downs you’ve been feeling is somewhat normal given the circumstances yet the stress is still sapping your energy and fraying your nerves. Sleeping to much or horrible sleep and not getting enough.
Erratic diet and mounting credit card debt hasn’t helped. Friends and family are experiencing the same thing. You’ve heard meditation can help but you don’t know how or more than likely don’t have any quiet place at home to sit in peaceful stillness. Home for many is now also where we work and possibly where are kids are homeschooling. Taking a dream vacation to a tropical beach is out of the question. So, what can you do right now, right in your own community to relieve and manage your stress?
Reiki can Help!
A Reiki session is a great tool to relax and nurture the body and mind. Reiki works at a deep energetic level to rebalance and restore your feelings of unconditional love and worthiness. A time to allow yourself to just receive rejuvenating energy without distractions or conditions. It is tremendously stress relieving. The return to a calm, peaceful mind and spirit is so reassuring.
A good Reiki session should leave you feeling strong and centered with a sense of having some control or direction again in your life. Reiki practitioners can be found in many communities now. Call your local holistic health center or ask your massage therapist or yoga friends for referral.
In Northern Nevada, Serenity Studio is a great place to receive Reiki energy. The living energy of the garden is restorative. A sense of relaxation and being in the right place is felt immediately as you walk thru the garden to the door of Serenity Studio.
Experience for yourself a visit to Serenity Meditation Garden, https://fb.watch/4G8ptZ_4-i/
If you like what you see,
Call Sue and Book a session.
Susan Fritz, RN and Reiki Master Serenity Studio 775-750-0322