Reiki put simply is a form of energy work. An “attunement” of the energy of our body/mind/spirit. Everything, everybody in the universe is a form of energy. Stepping from shadow into sunlight we instantly feel the energy of the sun 93 million miles away. Play a piano out of tune and people will walk away. A piano in tune makes us want to sway and dance or transport us thru time to our youth complete with memories and emotions. In both cases we had immediate reactions to energy flowing from another object. By keeping ourselves in tune we can positively impact our world around us. Our energy radiates the state of being we currently are in. If you are feeling unwell or lonely your dog will come and give you comfort. If you are feeling vital and alive people around you will respond with willing smiles and eagerness to “have what you have”.
A Reiki practitioner is trained to sense the energy of another and move that energy around to clear clogged conditions and promote smooth flowing energy throughout all aspects of the body. That movement is accomplished by creating an opening for universal life force energy to flow into the clients body. The practitioner is both a conduit and a director of the energy flow.
Imagine if you will a hot summer day, you feel tired, sluggish, worn out, then you step in front of an air conditioner and instantly you smile feeling rejuvenated. Reiki attunements work much in the same way. The practitioner selects cool energy to flood thru your body refreshing and rejuvenating you.
But How does that happen? How do you tap into the universal life force energy? There are different ways of doing this. Different schools of Reiki training. But for me, here at Serenity Studio. I tap into opening my heart to unconditionally accepting the client just as they are. I release my own ego and work on and with my client solely for the purpose of assisting them in their energetic health needs. This allows me to better sense what I encounter as I work on them. My training, Shambala Reiki, is based on the energy of the Divine Feminine of pure unconditional love. I also tap into the energy of nature. Surrounded by lush gardens of Serenity Studio and the beauty of the Sierra Nevada Mountains it is easy for me to tap into the energy of the earth as well as the powerful life sustaining waters of Lake Tahoe. My own personal journey of doing internal energy work to tune my own body/being so that I live and act in harmony within myself and within the world of nature around me, has prepared me to do this Reiki work.
Once the energy is tapped into and directed to different points and pathways within the clients body then the willingness of the client to receive this energy comes into play. Reiki healing cannot be forced on someone. The client has to be willing to open up and allow the experience to happen. Serenity Studio is a comfortable inviting environment that encourages the client to let go of the attachment to their “problems” and relax into a state of “being”. When we enter a state of “being” our guard is lowered, our resistance is down and we can be open and allow for this energy transmission to happen. Healing can happen.
The wisdom of our ‘’being” state will allow the healing to take place in what ever way is optimal for the client at that time. This “Knowing Wisdom” is beyond any ability of the practitioner or the client to fully understand. We perceive aspects of it in the session. Awareness, clarity and insights occur, emotions are released, acceptance and self-love is enriched. Healing takes place in it’s own perfect and right way.
Reiki can be about healing or it can be about “tuning up” to harmonize and optimize your being before an important event happening in your life.
Reiki sessions at Serenity Studio can easily be customized with sound vibrations or Essential Oils. Some clients like to take a Yoga Nidra class immediately before a Reiki Session to allow for a deeper opening within themselves to receive the benefits of the energy work. Depending on your personal needs, Reiki can also be done in your home or at the hospital.
Reiki Sessions at Serenity Studio are 90 minutes.
To schedule a Reiki session for yourself or a loved one or to simply find out more information and options contact me, Susan Fritz, RN.
Reiki before Surgery with MaryAnn McNeill

Using Reiki to prepare the body for surgery is a powerful way to combine Eastern and Western Medicine. The human body has its own intelligence. Communicating with that intelligence before surgery can prepare the body at a visceral energetic level to increase the probability for successful surgery.
“Gee I wish I would have known. I would have been more prepared.” How often in life we say this when unexpectedly asked to give a speech, have our picture taken or face a monumental financial crisis. Whether it is to gather information, lose 20 lbs. or put money in savings, it all comes down to preparation to meet the need. With medical issues it’s all about preparing the body to know what to expect. If the body, mind and emotions are in cooperative alignment with the goal and process, then you’ve improved your chance of a successful surgery with less complications, less turmoil.
Perhaps an illustration will convey this message more clearly.
MaryAnn went into sudden abdominal convulsions and was in the doorway of death 3 times in Emergency Room. Ultimately, she needed to have her Adrenal gland removed due to it growing a massive tumor. She was put on multiple medications for 5 weeks just to prepare her body, to prevent death during the surgery. Western Medicine was in full gear. Everything that could be done medically to prepare her body was being done.
Yet she was frightened, lacked understanding, felt as though her body had let her down. She opted to use Reiki to help with this. Using Reiki as a vehicle to take her into deep states of relaxation and acceptance, a dialogue with her adrenal glands and her heart was begun. Appreciation of her body along with acknowledging the ultimate fight or flight purpose of the adrenal glands was the starting point. Normally, adrenal surgery would initiate a massive fight or flight adrenal response which in this circumstance could be lethal. By arming the body with knowledge beforehand and gaining cooperative acceptance of what needed to be done, the diseased gland would willingly cooperate in being removed while the other gland would assume full care of the body. The blood vessels would agree to voluntarily close. Reiki energy created visualization of straws flattening so that blood vessels would voluntarily seal to prevent blood loss when being severed. Reiki created massive energy waves as training for the heart to expect but not react to the fight or flight response that Adrenal glands normally send out.
Reiki energy was used to open up MaryAnn’s heart chakra to be in a space of love and trust. With visualization of her doctors and surgical team being guided by love and skill, she began the process of placing her life in their hands. The actual day of surgery arrived. MaryAnn was the calmest person in the room. She was armed with the love of her family and the deep knowledge that she would not be going into this procedure on her own. She had the complete harmony of her body and mind going into this experience.
Her family was amazed at how calm and peaceful she was. The doctors were blown away by how smooth the surgery went. Almost no blood loss at all and completely calm cardiac system throughout entire surgery. MaryAnn healed quickly and completely. She is thriving today, healthier than she has ever been.
As an interesting side note, during the Reiki session when preparing her heart to anticipate and not react to massive fight or flight surges, the image of standing in the ocean being hit by a Tsunami wave was used. This image was specifically used because MaryAnn had a great fear of water, would not go near water. Six months after surgery the entire family decided on a celebration of life trip to Hawaii. Unexpectedly, MaryAnn found she had no fear of water. Truly fully healed, MaryAnn went swimming in the ocean at night with manta rays.
The power of Reiki taps into fundamental life force energy. The science of Physics teaches us that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. Reiki taps into the transformational, creative power of our very life force. Reiki taps into the life force energy of the world we live in as well as the specific energy of our individual being. This energy can be directed for healing purposes. Reiki sessions can be healing as well as joyful and freeing as MaryAnn discovered, when she survived this life altering medical crisis.
Reiki can be subtle or powerful. Reiki can be combined with Meditation or other healing touch modalities. But when Reiki is combined with all that our world has to offer in both Western and Eastern medicine, Reiki has the potential to enhance healing, to greatness.