Using Reiki to prepare the body for surgery is a powerful way to combine Eastern and Western Medicine. The human body has its own intelligence. Communicating with that intelligence before surgery can prepare the body on multiple energetic levels, to increase the probability for successful surgery.
Western Medicine is highly regarded in many ways. It is top notch at “fixing”. The western mind looks at what is broken and “fixes it”. Its surgical procedures have advanced to incredible levels in every physical specialty of medicine. But it is this very specialization and “fixing” approach that leaves a significant hole in the healing process.
True healing involves the entire body, mind and spirit. What we call life, is really composed of many aspects, only one of which is the physical body. Here, in the western world, we recognize that in addition to the physical body we also have a mental, emotional, and spiritual body, yet in Western Medicine the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life are frequently sidestepped. The surgical patient is left on their own to address these aspects of their health with little guidance.
Eastern Medicine takes a more comprehensive view, recognizing the physical body as just the outer layer. They view the body in multiple layers, physical and mental yes, but also energetic body, wisdom body and bliss body. All are outward layers of our inner existence which is the pure energy of consciousness. Modern scientific instruments can now prove and measure the energy that makes up what we call, our body.
Eastern Medicine addresses the essence of life within each individual as it manifests in all of layers of the body. This essence, sometimes called the breath or spirit, chi, prana, the soul, is that which makes us alive. Eastern Medicine also takes the view that we, as living beings, interact energetically with our environment, with all that exists in the world. Just as a tree pulls toxins out of our air and produces oxygen, we as humans, breathe in and use that oxygen in every cell of the body. So too, there are many seen and unseen ways that we mutually exchange energy, and interact beneficially with our environment. This, is where Reiki comes in.
Reiki, is an eastern form of healing that accesses the life energy within us to enhance our overall health and wellbeing. Reiki also invites universal energy of creation, of God energy, to interact with our own life force to infuse the body, supercharging it with vitality to stabilize and heal. Reiki moves this energy within the physical body between organs as well as between the different layers of body, opening blockages and clearing resistance. Ultimately, bringing harmony of purpose and restoring health to the entire body as a whole by way of energy.
A Reiki session is very relaxing and deeply calming, dropping below the intense emotions and thoughts that are contributing to the physical problems. Physical effects of Reiki are deeply soothing, particularly in the cardiac and respiratory systems. The mental body is quieted, the emotional body is calmed and the spirit body is peaceful. Energy begins to flow without impediment. Natural rhythms of the body can begin to reassert, allowing for improved rest and integration of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the body. This deep calming is an excellent preparation for surgery.
Just as we go to a money market analyst to best assist us in investing our financial assets, a Reiki practitioner, is skilled at working with our life force energy assets. Skilled at tapping into our own energy, as well as drawing from universal energy reserves for healing purposes. When there is medical crisis necessitating surgery there is a lot of stress, a lot of emotions involved, a lot of questions, a lot of racing thoughts. Surgeons are highly skilled and truly wish to help and heal their patients but their time is limited to specific surgical issues. Their contact with the patient is brief. Office visits are frequently stressful. The information conveyed technical. And you are out the door, on your own. Chances are blood pressure has gone up, digestion is stressed, muscles are tense and the mind is anxious.
Combining Eastern medicine, via Reiki, with Western medicine can counterbalance these effects. Reiki can fill the hole that Western medical approach leaves. Both are needed. We need these highly skilled surgical procedures. They are a God send of health care in a time of crisis. But to attain true long, term healing we need the complimentary approach that Eastern medicine provides.
Reiki, can also easily incorporate other modalities of healing during your session. Bringing in personal spiritual beliefs, guided meditation, and healing touch body work to make for a more personalized Reiki experience. If the Reiki professional is also a medical professional, then using specific healing visualization of the particulars of your health crisis can be incorporated. Thus, providing a more complete understanding mentally and emotionally of what to expect in surgery and what needs to take place physically as part of the healing process. All in all, Reiki, is a powerful tool, to maximize your personal healing process.
For more information on Reiki as part of your on-going health care, contact me, Susan Fritz, RN, for more information. I am always willing to help guide you in obtaining true health and wellness.